Free Classroom (EN) Learning Guide

The world is changing like it never has before. The world is going to shift in its direction of power. The language for global speech may change to a language that has little in common with the current one. Change was going to happen; such is the nature of the world, but the one it is shifting to is very different in its make. Using a natural language such as English, French, or Chinese, gives a sense to whose who need to learn it talk to people in other parts of the world that this language, and thus the culture of those who speak it from birth, are the 'correct' culture or the 'correct' language. This is created, no matter the language in question.

Calvic, or Kalba as you will come to know it, is the language created in but a couple months, built on the knowledge of many years. Calvic is made to be this world language, the via-media of communication. It’s made to sound a lot like other languages, but sound like no-one of them in particular. This language, due to needing to communicate a number of ideas, will require some effort to learn. With that said, it's still a smaller language than most. With a few hundred words, it takes less time to learn than natural languages. So long as you can learn the structure, which is perhaps more than it needs to be, mastery is easily within your sights.